There I was, sobbing in my car in the grocery store parking lot running on black coffee & mentally buried in dirty diapers, car blow outs, endless laundry & dishes, & well, work. I thought my head spinning to-do list was what was keeping me from the things I enjoyed outside of motherhood, like exercising, reading, eating right, and going on hiking & biking adventures.

The truth, my priority list didn't have me on it. I learned we can't invest in the value of our lives, until we invest in ourselves. I was investing ALL of my energy into everything BUT me. And I know for a fact that I am not the only working mother that was lacking in prioritizing herself first. I was constantly surrounded by nonstop noise, steady interruptions, from my phone or people around me. The overstimulation was draining my energy before I ever even had a chance to use it in the first place.

The time I used to have for myself, suddenly was flooded with all these new responsibilities so instead of asking for help or saying no to some of those tasks that were not actually a necessity, I just stopped what I enjoyed altogether.  And completely lost myself. The woman crying in the front seat of the grocery store parking lot with guilt, little confidence, & a way overdue shower was NOT me.

I'm thankful for that embarrassing grocery store breakdown. It's why I learned to stop with my excuses and own my life. It's why I strive everyday to create real happiness to share with the people around me that I adore & want to be present with. It's why I became inspired to become a coach for moms. It's why I so badly want to help overwhelmed women of all roles create balance in their everyday life so they have a quality of life that kicks ass!

Sometimes our worst moments in life give us the brightest perspective. The perspective that finally stings enough to jump us out of the mess we find ourselves in. No matter what mess you find yourself in, you can move forward. If you feel stuck, unmotivated, just plain exhausted, it IS possible to feel lighter, calmer, more energized. The first step to change is committing to making yourself a priority. We can lead by example and show our children that we find ourselves worthy enough to take care of our minds and bodies the way we hope they will. If they don't see us doing it, how will they know how?

x LC